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RBC on Mission

"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.   
                                                                      - Acts 1:8

Here at Rockvale, we desire to obey the Lord by being on mission to spread the gospel and advance His kingdom. To this end, we support local, national, and international missions by going and giving. Check out our Jerusalem, our Judea and Samaria, and our end of the earth:

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 Community Food Pantry

Open Wednesdays 4-5pm

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Allendale, SC (Camp Jackson)

Date: TBD

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Pineville, KY

Date: April 1-7, 2024

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Provo, UT

Date: July 13-19, 2024


Welcome to Malaysia!

GBA Partnership

Population: 32,000,000

Primary Religion: Sunni Islam


Welcome to Ghana!

Population: 32,000,000

Primary Religion: Christianity


Operation Christmas Child

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Mission Bunker Hill

GBA Partnership

Date: June 13-17, 2024

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