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Church Life at Rockvale

At Rockvale, we strive to offer our church family various opportunities for spiritual growth and relational connections. Life is rarely easy; therefore, it is our desire to do life together! Check out the following opportunities we offer for our children, youth, and adults to come together in order to do life together:



Children are not simply an afterthought at Rockvale; they are our future. Therefore, we intentionally engage our children with their very own opportunities for worship on Sunday mornings and discipleship on Wednesday evenings.


Our Sunday morning worship experience for children is called Kidtricity. The Kidtricity staff teaches children about God through songs, weekly Bible lessons, and puppet skits. Also, each child is encouraged to memorize the monthly memory verses, complete monthly Activity Sheets, bring his or her Bible, and invite friends to church. Every week Kids Kash is given to those children who do these things. At the end of every quarter, our children have the opportunity to redeem their Kids Kash at the Kidtricity Store. This wonderful ministry is led by a team of talented and committed volunteers. Kidtricity starts at 11am on Sunday mornings in the downstairs fellowship hall beneath the sanctuary.


Our Wednesday evening worship time also includes two children’s class. These midweek classes are vital in the spiritual development of our children they give them another weekly opportunity to learn more about God. In addition to Bible lessons, fun crafts are also often incorporated into class time. The volunteer teachers do a wonderful job leading this ministry. These classes begin at 6:30pm each week.


If you would like to know more about our Children's Ministry, feel free to contact our Children's Ministry Director, Rebecca Buchanan.



The Rockvale youth have several opportunities to engage God’s Word and to just “hang out.” On Sunday mornings, the Youth join their families for the morning worship service in the sanctuary.


The youth meet on Wednesday nights, and our leaders do a great job of offering them biblical teaching and a chance to draw closer to the Lord and to each other. Our leaders challenge our young people to both grow in and live out their faith. These youth meetings take place at 6:00pm in the Youth Room in the Educational Building. Also, our Youth leaders periodically plan outings for our youth. From theme parks to Student Conferences, our youth are invited and encouraged to attend these outings as a way of deepening their relationships with the Lord and each other.


If you would like to know more about our Youth Ministry, feel free to contact our Youth Ministry Directors, Daniel Wintermute and Kayla Godfrey.



Here at Rockvale, we strive to facilitate the spiritual growth of every family member with whom God blesses us, particularly our adults. Therefore, in addition to our Sunday morning Bible Fellowship classes at 10am and our worship service at 11am, we also offer a weekly Wednesday night Bible Study, called ReCharge. These midweek meetings not only allow our adults to fellowship and enjoy supper together, but it also gives us an opportunity to dig deeper into God’s Word to discover its meaning and relevance for our lives. To this end, we take our time studying through entire books of the Bible.


While we do not have a regular Sunday night worship service, we do offer Sunday night worship on selected Sunday nights at 6pm. These evening worship services help foster an environment of discipleship and fellowship among our adults as they offer a smaller group setting than you will find on Sunday mornings, which allows our people to grow stronger through the Word and deeper through relationship. 


Periodically through the year, our adults also come together for an Adult Fellowship. This time of fellowship affords our adults the opportunity for great fellowship, delicious food, and a tremendous amount of fun. While this ministry typically meets in the fellowship hall, they have been known to load up on the bus for an exciting adventure! The leaders of this outstanding ministry would love to see you at the next fellowship!


At least once a quarter our Young Adults meet for a time of fellowship as well. These times of fellowship prove to be enriching as they include a Bible devotion, prayer, and plenty of opportunity to foster friendships with others.


While our Adult Ministries are mostly for men and women, our Women's Ministry, Warrior Women, serves a need just for the ladies. This ministry is serious about the spiritual growth of our women through Bible study, prayer, ministry, and fellowship. If this sounds good to you, then our ladies would love to see you at their next gathering!


If you would like to know more about our Adult Ministries, feel free to contact our Adult Ministries Director, Dennis Hoffman.

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